Nov.16 Final Exam Prep

November 16
    Time just flew this semester and we are off for our final exam next week. This week each student got a practice final exam which has the same question category as the final exam. In the final exam, there will also be a part of oral communication. The student will select one of the two topics to talk about within 1 minute.
    Here are two topics:

You are going to conduct a natural dialog with the teacher in Chinese for 1-minute. Once the session started, you can only use Chinese to communicate. Remember, the goal is to successfully communicate with someone in Chinese, so you won’t be marked down for pronunciation. Here are two topics that you may choose from:

A: Imagine you are meeting a friend for the first time. 
  • You want to greet your friend first in Chinese
  • Introduce yourself with: Name, Age, Grade. 
  • Ask for your friend’s name. 
  • Be prepared to talk about the weather.
    • Whether the weather is good today?
    • Is it better than yesterday?
    • What does the weather forecast say about today or tomorrow?

B: Imagine you are going into a restaurant.

  • You want to first get the waiter’s attention and ask for a seat
  • You will order at least two dishes and one drink with a measure word
  • Word bank: 盘、碗、杯、饺子、家常豆腐、酸辣汤、青菜、可乐、冰茶
    Be prepared to react when something you ordered may be sold out. 

    Pick one out of the two options and practice during the week. You can't take any script with you during the test.
